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Showing posts from November, 2011

REVOLUTION 2020 - My review

Revolution 2020 – MY REVIEW                                Another Chetan Bhagat Book around the corner, a buzz that had all the youth of India chatting and discussing. Chetan Bhagat, a successful writer, a columnist and an exceptional speaker came up with his new book ‘REVOLUTION 2020’ in November 2011. I was so excited when this book was released; I promptly ordered it on                 I’ve been a fan of this guy ever since I read his first book, ‘FIVE POINT SOMEONE’. His books don’t have the complex words that most of the times define a good book but his stories have a heart; a heart through which he connects to a billion other hearts. I have personally hated reading novels. One fine day a friend of mine insisted that I read ‘TWO STATES’ and I fell in love with his writing. I...